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Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Sunday, to y'all!! :D Today is Sunday, which means didily squat in BB land, but means Sunday Funday for me!! (Normally I use Sunday Funday to catch up on stuff like cleaning, laundry, etc. Not exactly fun. lol)

Yesterday, the houseguests had a visit from Zingbot  3000 entered the BB house:
(Feeds cut to trivia about a minute later.)

There were some good one-liners from the good ol' Zingbot (according to the HG's). My favorite was:

"Danielle, Shane's got a special gift for you after the show is over. A RESTRAINING ORDER. ZIIIIIIIIING!"

Here are some others:
*"Ian, for a chemical engineering student you don't seem to have much chemistry with the ladies, ZIIIIIING!"

Danielle did not take that comment very well, by the way. :P

*"The only bright thing about Ashley is her smile, ZIIIIIING!"
*"What do you call Fabio without the muscles and sex appeal? Wil. ZIIIIING!"

I can't wait to hear all of the zing's on Wednesday nights show! :D 

The POV Comp was a puzzle and as I posted yesterday, Frank won the POV. He also confirmed that he will not be using the veto tomorrow (+ it will build trust with the Silent Six alliance and they hope it'll keep them, Boogie/Frank, safe next week if Boogie doesn't win HOH), nominations will stay the same. Shane is worried that Frank will use the veto to backdoor him. (**He won't.)

Wil is slated to go home this week. Apparently during the comp, Ian was helping Boogie but was doing more harm than good, and Britney said she wanted to tell him to stop listening to Ian, but then it would've been obvious that they were working together. (**We'll get to see that on Wednesday's show, too.)

10:29pm BBT:
Wil and Britney were in the kitchen talking about Janelle. Britney complimented her on her "flawless skin" and how she looked so good 7 months post-baby and was rockin' a bikini. She then blew a kiss and winked at the camera and said "I love you, Janelle."
10:59pm BBT:
Storage Room

Wil told Jenn that he thinks he might be the target this week. Jenn said she hasn't heard anything but will try to find out tomorrow.

11:19pm BBT:

The HG's played a game called "Murder". The first time, Britney was the "murderer". Boogie said he caught her smiling when she got her card and found out she was the "murderer" for that round. Joe as the "murderer" the 2nd time, Danielle the 3rd time, and Ian the 4th time.

1:10am BBT:

The Dan/Boogie/Frank alliance have a meeting in the Arcade Room. Frank said that Joe was "mean to the girls during the comp" (in the Have Not comp) so Frank is worried how the vote will go now...worried the girls will want Joe out more than Wil.

Boogie thinks Joe's "not really good at stuff". Dan thinks Wil is "putting 2 and 2 together", about being this weeks target.

1:20am BBT:

The feeds were cutting in and out a ton during this convo. (**Whoever has been working the feeds the past 2 days, needs to find a different job.)

Frank is trying to see where Britney's head is to see if she still plans to get Wil out or not.
Dan: "Well you (Frank) helped us do what we wanted to do last week, so.." (...fishies..)

So basically Dan is saying they're sticking with the alliance and voting how Frank wants them to this week. Ok. Done deal, then.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! :D I will see y'all back here in the evening for the 8pm EST show, so I'll see y'all then. But until then, enjoy the live feeds!! Oh and there's a new poll on the right side of the blog for y'all. I decided that since us BB fans change our minds every week, then so should the "Who's your favorite houseguest" poll. lol :P So cast your vote for this week!

Stay tuned...
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Nicole said...

Did Ashley play in the POV?

Jamie said...

she played, but not sure how well. as of that morning, she could barely walk. not sure if she took more meds before the comp or not.

BB said...

I agree with you about the feeds. I have to quit watching sometimes. It drives me crazy!

Kiley said...

I just gotta say it once again. Jamie you rock! I can't afford the feeds this year, but I get all the info I need right here on your blog. I can't thank you enough for the work you do. Hope you're feeling better.

Is anyone else extremely bored with this season? It seems like one person (Boogie) is running the whole house. I would be more interested if somebody threw him and Frank on the block together.

C.Montes (Cattyana) said...

BBAD drives me crazy. They always cut to a commercial when a convo is getting really good.

Tiffanymenzie said...

What twitter profile are you using?

Tiffanymenzie said...

What twitter account are you using?

kelsey said...

I know c. Montes... I know how you feel... On the feeds they will have a good convo then it would be fishes... I hate it... The guy doing the feeds right now is horrible... He better not be here for next years season/feeds... And Jamie, he does need a new job because this is horrible lol I hope you are getting better

kelsey said...

I know c. Montes... I know how you feel... On the feeds they will have a good convo then it would be fishes... I hate it... The guy doing the feeds right now is horrible... He better not be here for next years season/feeds... And Jamie, he does need a new job because this is horrible lol I hope you are getting better

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