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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Morning/Afternoon in the BB House

This will be a live feed update starting at 1pm BBT.
Some HG's are just now waking up!  (Jenn, Shane)
Danielle is still in her PJ's, and just flat-ironed her hair.
She tells Shane Ian is doing his HOH blog, and then it's Picture Day.
Shane seems like he's still fighting some cold.  He said he didn't sleep well last night.
Frank is outside working out.
Dan is also awake and roaming around, not doing anything special.  He's outside, and he & Frank are talking.

11:40 BBT - Frank/Dani bathroom
Danielle tells Frank she & Dan aren't as close as they used to be, since the funeral.
Frank tells Dani that the things Dan said to her at "the funeral", he meant them.  He asks Danielle to keep it just between the two of them.  Dani questions:  "So you think he meant it?" and that type of question a few times.
Danielle says for Dan to say something like that, to throw her under the bus, that means Dan & Frank have a F2 deal.  Frank says Dan "thinks" he does.  Frank says he's telling Dani this because he wants her to really know what kind of a person Dan is.  Frank keeps saying to keep this on the D.L. (downlow).
Danielle asks "So he was going to tell me it was all just an act?"
Frank later tells Dani that he & Jenn will work with her.  He tells her Jenn knows this about Dan too.  He tells Dani to fake that all is ok with Dan, don't let on that she knows this about him.

12:30 (+/-) BBT - Danielle/Dan
Danielle tells Dan everything that Frank told her earelier.
They are talking so soft, it's hard to hear.  The moving camera noise is easy to hear, but they are very hard to hear. 

1:01pm BBT
Dan got called to the D.R.  He comes back a minute later and tells Frank "They're not playing." and says I guess I forgot how you can get penelty nom'd or votes for that shit."  (hmmm, let me flashback to an earlier time to see what's going on with this)  I think it's because BB has been telling the HG's to please put on their microphone and is putting their foot down.
Dan & Frank discussing votes and scenerios.
Ian:  It's picture time!

Danielle doesn't know that monkey is there.  (she hates that monkey!)

Grilling the monkey!  Posing instructions:  act like "What's going on here?"

Ian posing a memory of "Drunk Ian".  BB voice:  "Ian, no climbing!"  "Ian, I said, no climbing!"  LOL!!!

I like this pic!  This would make a good desktop phote, or mouse pad pic, etc.

1:23pm BBT - Joe/Jenn arcade room
Joe campaigning for votes.  Pitching "Features & Benefits" of what's he's done, why to keep him.

3:14pm BBT - Shane/Danielle in bed in kicks room
Dani is telling Shane about how Frank was telling her about how Dan meant what he says, etc (the chat in the bathroom this morning)
Joe comes in.  He finds a pack of pills and asks what kind of pills are they.  Danielle looks at them.  Joe says he thinks they're some kind of anti-depressant, aren't they?  Danielle is quick & sure when she responds, "No it isn't."  Fishes.
Pills in a blister pack, marron color, some gone, some still there. They a little big in size. We may never know what they are or who they belong(ed) to. 

3:31pm BBT - Danielle is sulking.  Danielle:  "It's hard in this house.  I'm the only girl."
(* Jenn IS still in the house, right? LOL!)

*** This is the slow part of the day in the BB house.  Many HG's are resting.  Ian is on hammock.  Dan is heating up a hotdog.  Joe is doing this & that in the kitchen.  Nothing else is happening now.  They will eat dinner a little later, and in the evening, they may talk while they hang out.
I'm going to take a break and go get dinner myself.  I will try to add a quick update later.

Stay tuned...
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Dianne said...

Dan was giving Dani & all kinds of relationship advice on BBAD. He wants them to make out. I wonder if that is a strategy, if Dani & Shane become more of a couple it puts a bigger target on their backs. I don't trust Dan at all and the HG shouldn't either. Not getting Dan out when he had a chance was Frank's big fat boo boo!

Lisa. said...

That is awful, about Jamie. My sister had to have a camera put down her throat a few years ago.. She was also having gallbladder problems. It was the worst. Stay strong, you can do it.<3

NerdfighterDeb said...

hey SusieQ! Just a tip for your screencaps, this is what I do when I need to screencap can paste it into powerpoint then crop it so we only see the picture rather than your whole computer window.

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