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Monday, September 3, 2012

Afternoon in the BB House

SuzieQ here with a quick look at the last few hrs.....

12:33 - 12:49 - Joe/Shane/Danielle - BY couches
Joe starts to ask Shane questions about his future: (at some point, both Shane & Danielle are answering as a couple.
* How many kids would you want?  (zero, then after Danielle prompts him, Shane says 4 kids)
* If you could pick anywhere to live, where would it be? 
  (Shane says South Carolina.  Joe asks why SC instead of NC, & Shane says because it's closer to home by about 10 hrs.  *Suzie's note: I think Shane is confusing SC & NC.  If Shane live in Vermont, then NC is closer to home, SC is further sout and farther away.)
* What kind of cars would you have?
* What kind of wedding?  (Shane says he'd wear pink at his wedding.)
* Who would be your bridesmaids?
Joe gives advise along the way.  He gives advise on the honeymoon - don't do planned activities, be free, just do whatever you want, whenever you want.

12:49pm BBT - Shane/Danielle - still BY couches, after Joe left
Shane tells Danielle that Jenn told him that Shane & Danielle are not on her target list if she wins HOH.
Shane asks Danielle to consider telling Dan that Shane is treating her like crap. so if Dan/Dani is in Final 3, Dan might throw Dani a comp, if Dan doesn't think Danielle will take Shane to F3, and then Dani can bring Shane to the finals.  Danielle says she'll think of something but she won't throw Shane under the bus.

Shane says he or Danielle might get America's Favorite.  Danielle says she doesn't think Frank will get America's Favorite, based on the way "they" (production) is acting, nothing is being favored towards Frank.

Danielle tells Shane she is not a Kindergarten teacher, she's a nurse. Shane said he knew she wasn't a teacher and her being a nurse makes sense.  She says she really was a model.
She tells him she has almost 3 degrees.  She said she is a charge nurse and was taking online classes too.
She said she was in class for a month when BB pulled her for the show.  She threw away thousands of dollars that she won't get back for that semester by coming to BB.  She talks about how as a nurse, she saw a woman with a potato in her vagina that started to sprout! 
Shane tells her some of clues that he knew she wasn't a teacher, like how she's so hard to wake up in the morning (teachers usually get up early easier, he says)
She asks him if he's mad that she didn't tell him the truth; he says no. he says she would have been a bigger target.  She says she has almost 3 degrees.
Danielle says how Frank doesn't have to work because his tenants give him money, so she wants him out.
She talks of how they can see each other a lot after BB, that she makes her own schedule and she can take off all the time she wants, and she would enjoy taking him places and seeing his face when he sees new places.  He says they could really get to know each other's real selves, and how he would treat her so much better outside of the game, that he is trying to play the game without letting emotions mess up his game, and that couples are targets.
They talk about the HG's in the Jury, how they will vote for one of them over Dan.

1:12pm BBT
Ian walks out and goes to Hammock.
Joe comes out & joins Shane/Danielle.
Joe said noone's here working today (production)...fishes.
Joe said he's cooking but not for Dan. (he laughs)
Joe said Dan swore to him he wasn't going to use the veto.
Joe said he'll calm down by tomorrow.  He gets called to the D.R.
Joe was asking production for propane to use the grill for a Labor Day cook out for dinner.

Dan gets a USA flag.

Dan tries several places to put the flag.  At one point, he puts it in a small planter and moves the planter to higher ground, but the ground is too hot for Dan's bare feet, and the planter falls over and breaks, and the flag is touching the ground.  Ian is somewhat frantic when the flag is touching the ground a little too long and runs over to try to get it, as does Dan & Jenn. 
Inside lockdown while BB cleans up the broken pieces.
The flad ends up inside.

In case you missed it, the house got a new hammock a while back.  It's much bigger, and no squeak!!!

1:58pm BBT
Dan brings Danielle a gift - her panties that he froze!!!  Then he throws them in the hotub to thaw!

More later.....

Stay tuned...
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Robert said...

Is it just me, or does it seem like Dan only brought 3 shirts for the entire summer? But he is playing a helluva game!

kelsey said...

Haha i agree robert

kelsey said...

He wears those shirts all the time lol

Fatima said...

Hahaha, I noticed that too... Who cares its the brain that counts in this game. Which I'm starting to think Dan no longer has. How can he Seriousley think that dani would take him to the final 2/3. Dani needs to go, her voice is irritating, a hypocrite and lier. Now at all this time is when she supposegly

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