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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Evening in the BB House

Hello BB addicts & welcome to the Saturday Evening post! :D Hopefully y'all have been having a great weekend so far. I'll be here for the next couple/few hours blogging for ya (unless all the HG's fall asleep & there's nothing to blog about lol). :P

Okay, so in case you haven't seen/heard yet, SHANE won the POV today!! Yay Shane! But now this means that Shane will pull himself off the block & Danielle is set to be the replacement nom. This will all happen tomorrow during the Veto Ceremony. Because this is Dan's last player in the game, we should expect some awesome game play converations and maybe a little manipulation as well from him. ;) We'll see!! It's a long way to go until Thursday's eviction night! Speaking of BB...I wonder when they'll show the Willie incident..tomorrows show, perhaps? Hmm.

Okay, so let's do a brief cliffnotes of what happened the last few hours before diving into the Evening post:

*Jenn & Wil think Ashley threw the POV comp.
*Joe doesn't wanna leave Dan in the game. (aka evict Danielle)
*Janelle was impressed with how well Shane did in the comp.
*Apparently Ian almost won the comp.
*Ian gave Dani advice to tell Frank that Jojo had a shot to save herself, not fair for Dani to be on the block without a fair shot.
*Brit ragged on Boogie for always sleeping. (**He has slept 1/2 of the season away. lol)

Okay, let's see what's happening on the live feeds...

5:20pm BBT:
Sneakers Room

Dan tells Britney he doesn't think there's anything he can do to save Danielle from going home.
Dan: "Do you agree?"
Britney: (thinking) "Yes..and no."

Britney said maybe he could get Frank to put up someone from Janelle's team. Dan doesn't think that'll happen.

Dan said that he told Boogie/Frank that he wants to know if Danielle is going home or not, so that way he can just enjoy the rest of his days inside the BB house and "have a blast".

Dan: "And I would! I'd have a blast!"

They both lay back down to take a nap.

Switching feeds. :)
And I find Danielle sleeping on the bathroom lounger.
**Okay, I'm really starting to miss Willie now. lol :P

Switching feeds, again...

Jojo & Shane are in the kitchen. Shane is doing dishes. Jojo is cooking something on the stove.

Ian just passed through to go to the bathroom. (He was napping).
Shane asked how the pads on the Have Not's slanted beds are working out. Ian said pretty good.
Joe is back in the kitchen now with Jojo/Shane.

5:32pm BBT:
Sneakers Room
Dan/Danielle (**She woke up!)

Dan: "I feel that I try to help you, I'll hurt you. It's gonna seal your fate."
Dan tells Danielle that she's gonna have to try to stay on her own.

They move their talk into the Have Not's room. Seems that BB gave them pads for the beds.

Danielle doesn't understand why Dan won't help her stay.

Dan: "I feel like if I gave any reason..I don't wanna be the reason you get booted from this house, to be honest."
Danielle: "..ugh..Dannnn."
Dan: "Coach is on the sidelines, can't play.."

Dan said that he asked Boogie/Frank to let him know if Danielle is going home so that he can enjoy the next few days.

Danielle is not accepting Dan sitting "on the sidelines". She wants him to play. (**BB, tell her to please move her hair from her mic! Thank you!)

BB: "Danielle, please do not obstruct your microphone!"
Me: "Thank you!!" :D

Dan said he doesn't feel like he can 'hit the streets' like he did with Kara. He said he will be there to coach her, but not do anything for her..unless she really wants him to.

Shane comes in.

Shane tells Danielle that he's sorry that he won the POV because now that means that Danielle is going up as his replacement. Shane then said that Jojo is bad mouthing Danielle to get votes against her & that he (Shane) does not agree with that, even though Jojo is on his team.

He tells her to keep a positive attitude & to "keep her head up".
Dan leaves.
Danielle asks Shane who she'd vote for, herself or Jojo. Shane said he doesn't know.

Shane: "You're a better person, and I can trust you a lot more, but it's better for Britney for Jojo to stay."
Danielle: "But is it best for (you) to keep Jojo?"
Shane: "I dunno..You don't even know if you're on the block (yet)."

Danielle said that she hates that she couldn't even play for POV.

Their convo ends. Danielle is walking around the house.
Goes into the arcade room alone and cries. :(


Joe is cooking dinner for the HG's (which most of them are sleeping right now). Jojo is setting the table. Ian/Shane are at the dining room table talking about random stuff.
Danielle just voluntarily went into the Diary Room.

6:11pm BBT:
Britney just woke up from her nap & joined the kitchen/dining room HG's. She hopes that the backyard opens up soon.

Britney: "Wanna play pool (when the backyard opens up)?"
Ian: "Yea!"
Britney: "Where is everybody, sleepin'?"
Ian: "Yea."

6:20pm BBT:
The exciting feeds:
**Is it too late to ask Evel Dick to join the BB14 coaches crew? lol My gosh, its like the houseguests took Ashley's meds or something. WAKE UP!!!! :P

6:35pm BBT:
Shane thinks all the HG's are gonna be up late tonight because everyone has been napping all day.

6:36pm BBT:
BB opens up the backyard..Ian/Joe/Jojo/Shane are super happy!

Shane: "Thank you Big Brother!!"
Jojo: "Thank you!"

Britney/Shane are playing a game of cornhole.
Jojo/Joe are talking on the patio. Jojo said she won't go without a fight. Joe said it's looking really good for her because everyone wants to knock Dan out of the game.

7:18pm BBT:
Dinner time!!!

**Annnnnd I'm out. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow, so y'all should to. ;) See you guys tomorrow!! :D

PS Even though I'm done blogging for the night, I'll be in Twitterland tweeting, so make sure to follow me!

Stay tuned...

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James said...

It sure would have been nice for Dan/Danielle if he had won the coaches comp and protected Danielle. It seems I had read somewhere that he threw the comp. That makes no sense to me. I know he threw the first coaches comp which also makes no sense to me.

Also, I think the other coaches are likely incorrect if they assume that if Dan is out, he is really out for good and would not have some opportunity to come back as a coach or player. They think they're clever by getting him out ASAP, that will likely prove to be false.

James D.

Anonymous said...


I think it's hilarious that with all the talk about the coaches being let into the game not 1 person has thought that a coach losing all 3 of their players is what could trigger that to happen. I'm certainly hoping so now that it appears Danielle is most likely to go home this week as I'm a huge Dan fan. Come to think of it you mention Dan throwing comps and I know that was a big part of his BB10 game but maybe Dan's the only one who's thought of that being when a coach gets to play and wisely kept that idea to himself. I know I'm probably just giving one of my all-time favs too much credit but it would make everything he's done look genius from the weak team he picked to throwing both the coaches comps to now not campaigning for Danielle to stay.

Although throwing this week's coaches comp makes a lot more sense when you remember that was pre Willie getting kicked out. At that point Danielle was safe as Willie and Shane were gonna go on the block as the clear cut #1 and #2 target with JoJo as the renom if 1 came off and no way they could both come off.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking too that the first coach out of players is possibly released into the game. How crazy would that be to see all the coaches and houseguests faces if Danielle gets evicted and it turns out to be true! And the resulting chaos in the house if coaches start turning on their players. Thank you for all your hard work keeping us in the loop Jamie!

daryl42 said...

I like the sound of all that turmoil.

daryl42 said...

I like the sound of all that turmoil.

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