Speaking of The Amazing Race, when Brendon & Rachel checked in at the end of the show, Brendon slipped and fell straight on his behind:
..but don't worry, he's okay. lol :P
If you wanna know how they did on last nights show, then look at the bottom of this post.
And last, but not least...
With this season of BB being number 14, and the previous (and first) All Stars being during BB7, many are wondering..is this the year we will see an All Stars 2? So, just for giggles, I listed *my* favs of past big brother houseguests that I'd love to see make it on & why:
*Evel Dick (didn't really get a shot last season.)
*Eric (former Americas Player in BB8)
*Jen (Jen/Dick had the best fights together.)
*Chelsia (still very much involved with BB on the live feeds.)
*Crazy James (had a "thing" with Chelsea on BB, then ended immediately after.)
*Keesha (Memphis betrayed/evicted her, when he made Final 2 with her. Took Dan instead.)
*Dan or Memphis (Memphis was good, Dan won..tough call.)
*Renny or Jessie (they seem to bring Jessie back every season lol)
*Lydia (wild child, great for TV.)
*Russell (smart, funny, great competitor, good fights!)
*Kevin (no bullsh*t attitude, funny, still involved with BB on the live feeds.)
*Britney (funny, had chemistry with Lane)
*Lane (...same as Brit...)
*Ragan (hilarious, smart, still active in the BB world on the live feeds.)
*Shelly (to redeem herself w/ Jeff & Jordan fans lol)
*Kalia (to prove herself without Dani "controlling" her game moves.)
*Rachel (But only if she's without Brendon the whole game. Otherwise, no. She's great drama. lol)
Like I said, that's just my personal list. Everyones list is different I'm sure, so feel free to tell me who you'd love to see or NOT see on an All Stars 2 season! :D
That's it for now! As a reminder, we only have a 3+ months until BB14 begins, which means TONS of info is gonna start swarming in the next couple of months and you'll wanna be updated as soon as possible, so follow me on Twitter and Facebook & don't forget to bookmark the blog!
(Rachel & Brendon placed 5th last night. They're still in the race!)
Stay tuned...
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Honestly, I'm not ready for another All-Star Season. :-/ I wish we could do a repeat of BB12. Possibly one of my favorite seasons, minus the Brigade sweeping it at the end! I'd love to see an all new cast though! I'm SO ready for BB to return! CAN NOT WAIT! :-)
Evel Dick & Daniele (s8)
Crazy James & Chelsia (s9)
Keesha, Renny, Dan (s10)
Kevin, Michelle, J&J (s11)
Rachel, Britney, Hayden (s12)
Kalia, Shelly, Dominic (s13)
Evel Dick&Dani, James&Chelsia, Keesha, Renny, & Dan, Jeff, Jordan, Michelle & Kevin, Rachel, Britney, Hayden, Kalia, Shelly, & Dominic.
I would also loveeeee Janelle but that's not going to happen
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