SuzieQ here with tonight's update.
Jamie's going to need some breaks until her gallbladder problem gets resolved. I'm glad to help when I can.
Feeds have been on trivia for a while. Earlier today, Ian said noms were going to happen at about 6pm BBT. I'm keeping an eye on the feeds, and will be right here to post as soon as they return.
Ian has said he wanted Joe out, and he wanted Frank out, and I believe Jenn is also on his hit list, but who will Ian nominated tonight? When Ian was HOH briefly on the last double eviction night, he told Dan & Co. he thought Frank should be backdoored. Will he nominated Frank right away, or try to backdoor him this week?
6:20pm BBT Feeds are back!!!
Ian is in HOH room. Most other HG's are in the kitchen, snacking.
Ian comes downstairs with snacks. There seems to be a food issue. ???? I'll update when I know more - you know how things unfold over time.
They are trying many vairties of chips, but they are supposed to be healthy.
Seeweed, wasabi
They seem to be on inside lockdown.
Everyone seems to be getting along just fine, no talk of noms yet.
They keep making a list of how "they" (production?) took this food or that food away.
They are all asking if they smoked pot...they all say no. (this came up because one of them said how one of the snacks looked liked pot.)
They talk about some of things they are planning for Showtime tonight.
Sounds like Frank is a nom.
Dan & Danielle steal a moment in the kicks room to celebrate. They must be happy with the noms.
They do some stealth whispering, lip reading kind of thing that I can't tell what was said.
Dan leaves pretty quickly, Danielle stays, lays on the bed, thinking about scenerios.
NOTE: If Frank & Jenn are on the block, perhaps Dan & Danielle believe Ian is with the Quack Pack meaning Dan /Danielle feel safe to go to the end.
Nominated for eviction are
Frank & Jenn
Ian brings some toys downstairs and the HG's are in the kitchen table playing with them. Trucks, large size building blocks. Ian looks at a box of Magic Rocks. A couple of them are playing the paper football game, sliding a folded piece of paper across the table back & forth.
Joe and the Magic Rocks
Dan and Shane are playing the paper football game. Shane has his fingers ready while Dan prepares to go fo a field goal. Ian using building blocks. Joe with the Magic Rocks.
Dan now has a Yo-Yo.
Jenn is taking a shower.
Joe has the Magic Rocks set up and adds water. I believe something is supposed to happen right before your eyes!
I believe they are growing!
And growing......
Frank is in high spirits. Thay are all just having so much fun.
Game playing stops. Ian went to use HOH bathroom after he discovered Jenn was using the other one. After playing stops, Dan went to HOH room, asks Ian if he can listen to Ian's CD. Ian says yes, then leaves Dan alone.
After Jenn's shower, it seems she went to arcade to be alone. (this is not being shown since she entered)
She has isolated herself the whole time the others were playing. (wonder what's going on with her? No one said anything about her or the game or anything important - just playing.)
Danielle was trying to start a playful pillow fight with Shane in Living room, while Frank & Joe were there too. Shane seemed bothered by this though. He didn't participate, and she stopped.
Hmmmm, could they be picking players for veto now? Could that mean a late night comp? HG's have been speculating about what the next comp will be, and there's been talk about OTEV (that's VETO spelled backwords for any newbies here!) That is usually a night comp, I believe.
I'll be here waiting and will update when feeds return.
Hmmmm, could they be picking players for veto now? Could that mean a late night comp? HG's have been speculating about what the next comp will be, and there's been talk about OTEV (that's VETO spelled backwords for any newbies here!) That is usually a night comp, I believe.
I'll be here waiting and will update when feeds return.
Sidenote: On Superpass, while waiting for feeds to return, I was watching "House Calls" and the new show had Wil Hauser on. It was nice to see him again! He said Part 2 of the Trilogy video on BB will be out in about a week - 10 days, and Part 3 will be out near the BB Finale. I love watching these videos and the short video clips of important events in the house, like Dan's Funeral video clip.
HG's can hear production building something outside for tomorrow's veto comp.
7:51(2) PM BBT - Feeds return
Ian & Danielle study in HOH room. Ian thinks the comp will be tonight.
Ian doesn't think this is a fast week because they need all of this for Sunday's show.
They talk of how nomination ceremy is tonight.
Ian said he walked in the D.R. and saw the bag of chips (for nom bag) and was surprised.
Things seem to be moving quickly today, making HG's think this will be a fast week.
Jenn has been alone for a long time since nominations a couple of hours ago.
8:05pm BBT - Ian goes to HOH room, Joe follows him.
Joe asks what he & Danielle talked about. Ian reasures Joe if he goes up on the block, he's safe. Joe asks if he wins veto, he should not use it, and keep noms the same? Ian says yes. Joe said he's nervous.
Joe leaves. Ian is pacing, mumbling. I believe I heard him say "Dan is not to be trusted"
Dan is resting, in preperation for tonight's veto comp.
Shane built 2 football goalposts. He & Joe are at kitchen table, just waiting for comp to start.
Joe tells that Ian told him (Joe) that he was safe. (but he still seems nervous)
Frank & Danielle are in bathroom talking.
They talk about all that has been done today: Pandora's Box, nominations, no food (except healthy & organic) and now night Veto Comp.
They think there will be a Sunday eviction. Frank says he kept saying they has to be a double eviction or fast forward because they have to get rid of people at this point.
Danielle is a bit stunned by all of this, saying she never saw it coming. She is trying to figure out how this will all play out. (oh brother! She is worried how these comps are ruining her clothes, and how her hair will look!)
Ian doesn't think this is all for Sunday's show and not a week that is so quick that it ends his HOH either.
Dan grabs Ian ear real quick. They do some lip reading and body language talk that I couldn't understand, that it seems those two do.
It seems Shane can't play in the comp. Dan said to Shane: Are you bummed because you can't play?"
Shane is hosting the veto comp.
Frank says it makes him nervous that Dan's key was last. ????????
Danielle said production said this morning this is a busy day, let's go, let's go, let's go!!!
(just updated a little above - Shane is hosting the veto comp)
Ha! Frank/Shane/Danielle in L.R. Shane brings up Dani Danato. (Danielle hates when he talks aboutn her!)
Joe & Dan resting.
9:06pm BBT - Nothing, absolutely nothing is going on right now. (is this what Showtime viewers are seeing?)
9:12(13) - if you like feet (yes, I know some people do!), you can see a full screen shot of Danielle's foot wiggling. (no, I'm not posting the pic!)
Danielle gets up, looks at her backside in the mirror first, then goes over to both storage room & D.R. - BB doesn't open either door, then she finally gets in.
All HG's sleeping but Danielle is in kitchen eating.
*** For those of you who are BBAD viewers, and you tuned in to see everyone sleeping, and then came here to find out what's going on, welcome!
In short, HG's believe they will have a night veto comp (or possibly very early morning) so they are all resting up for it. Today was a very busy day in the BB house. There's lots of reading to do here, starting with Jamie posts today, and this long post in the evening. HG's have already had a Pandora's Box, (which unleashed Jessie again!) had the nomination ceremony, picked players for the veto (Shane isn't playing, he's hosting) and expect to play the veto tonight!
Feel free to make comments. And I'll be here with updates.
I'll start a new post at the top after the veto comp.
Right now, if you want to watch Danielle drink a cup of tea, you're in luck! It's the only thing going on right now.
Earlier I posted that the HG's talked about the plans they had for later when Showtime was on.
They were talking about having a game show-like activity about eating gross foods with their new healthy foods. (see posts about Pandora's Box for more on the healthy foods) They also talked about other activities they were saving for Showtime tonight. But then, the veto players were picked and even though the HG's were not officially told anything about playing a veto tonight, they all believe it will played, and are resting up for it. They have been on inside lockdown, and hear can production building something outside, most likely the veto comp.
So, BBAD folks, enjoy reading the details here, and seeing the pics (sorry, pics are not my specialty, as I am pinch-hitting for the best blogger, Jamie. Glad you found this site, and come back and visit us often!
My personal sidenote: I'm going to give a little rant here. I am on Team Ian, and it bothers me that the other HG's go to Ian to ask his opinion on what does he think about this or that, basically using his knowledge for their own advantage. I'm so afraid this may put Ian in a position where he gives up too much info, when this is something he can use to his own advantage. It would be nice to think that Ian is fully aware that they are getting info from him, and may be feeding them wrong info on purpose, to throw their game off and keep his gift for his own advantage. Or perhaps he has another stratagy. And I wouldn't have a problem if those who are asking are loyal team members (but I'm not sure they are). I hope he can apply his knowledge of the game with great skill in choices & action steps to win this game. But I'm ranting about how others use him in this way. (rant over)
* For those of you who have the feeds, did anyone else think that when Dan went to HOH room tonight, that he was snooping around, maybe to see if Ian got a special power from Pandora's Box?
* Does anyone think Ian may backdoor Dan? earlier tonight I posted that Ian was mumbling and said he can't trust Dan. Could Ian be considering making that big move, to get the player that is being called the best for his epic move, out of the game? That would be some feather in Ian's cap!
Post your thoughts in the comments section.
10:08pm BBT - Frank/Danielle
They go in storage room and see more food but it's all healthy food. Danielle is NOT happy!
She has been complaining all night about how there is nothing to eat.
She reads a sign that says, "All of this food is approved by Jessie-Clause." (LOL!!!)
Danielle says she doesn't think they are having the veto comp tonight, that's what production told her. She was told it was going to be held at the regular time.
* maybe Danielle will self evict after too long without the foods she wants!
* SuzieQ's opinion: So Pandora's Box gave the HG's the punishment of healthy food all week, no fun snacks, etc. And the "reward" that Ian got was a bunch of kids toys? Or did he get a special power or big money that we don't know about yet?
Joe said the other HG's now know there is no comp tonight but no one is out of bed.
Joe isn't happy that he took a 2 hour nap and now he'll be up all night.
Joe wonders why BB didn't wake them up for Showtime. (*that's a good question)
Frank is in the D.R. - I believe he's checking to see if there is a comp tonight.
Frank is now saying no comp tonight.
All HG's are up now (haven't seen Dan yet)
Well, everyone, it's 1:42am here in the east, and I'm going to sign off.
Have a safe weekend!
Stay tuned...
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