The pictures are from about a week ago during Media Day inside the Big Brother house. You'll notice 2 things instantly: 1: Rachel from BB12 & winner of BB13 was part of Media Day & 2: there are 14 slots for HG's in the memory wall. Now, according to BB14 commercials, we're supposed to get the biggest cast ever, which would put it at 17+, but if this whole "4 former houseguests as mentors" rumor is true, then that'd make it 14 HG's + 4 mentors. Or that could have just been the board for media day & not the real board.
Anyways, without further ado, here are the pictures of the Big Brother 14 house!!!
Don't forget to snag up the live feeds Early Bird Special before Monday if you wanna see the house tour!! Ooo this is so exciting! :D We're getting clooooosssseerrrrrr!!!! *happy gEEky dance*
UPDATE: House tour is at 12am Monday morning!! (I believe it's 12am PT, which is 3am EST).
UPDATE 2: The "4 former houseguests as mentors" rumor is still going strong, with Janelle/Rachel Reilly/Mike Boogie/Dan Gheesling being the rumored returning HG's.
UPDATE 3: Cast reveal (which was scheduled for Monday) has been canceled. :( No word on a new release date of the cast.
Stay tuned...
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