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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Apply for Big Brother 14 Online

BB fans, rejoice!! As I reported earlier this week, casting director Robyn Kass announced that BB fans would no longer have to send in tapes to audition due to them working on a website were you can simply upload your digital audition videos and yesterday, it went live!! :D

Click on the pic to go to the new casting website:

I have a feeling this is gonna spark a HUGE numbers in audition videos, compared to when BB casting hopefuls had to send in a tape.

And 1 tip I will give you guys, and this is from Robyn Kass herself (she mentioned this last year), do not tell ANYBODY that you even auditioned! So posting your audition videos onto YouTube is a huge no-no. lol :P

Also, it's worth noting that if you plan on going to an open casting call, you can now check open calls listings right on their website as well. (Click on "Open Calls".)

Good luck & don't forget to give us a shout-out on the live feeds if you make it!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winner of BB10 Gives Tips on Auditioning

Hey all you BB addicts! If you plan on applying to get on BB14, or any other reality show in the future, then listen up! We all remember BB10 and how Dan Gheesling, quite possibly the nicest guy to ever play Big Brother, won that season.

Well Dan has just released a *FREE* online book that you BB fans, and especially those of you that will be auditioning for BB14, will just love! It's called "How A Normal Guy Got Cast On Reality TV!"

The 40 page page book, which is totally free to download & read, contains Dan's trials and tribulations through applying to get cast, rejections (including getting rejected to do 'Survivor', in which he was a semi-finalist), how he made it through the semi-finals of BB, and everything in between! Here's a small excerpt from the ebook:

There's a 2nd book that he wrote called "How To Get On Reality TV: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide", that is available for purchase for those of you that need more details about how to get cast onto reality tv. So if you're a hardcore "I gotta get on reality tv!" person, then this book is definitely for you!

Even if you're not planning on auditioning for Big Brother, it's still a fantastic behind-the-scenes book that any BB fan will love to read! :D

Stay tuned...
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Valentines Day Special on the Live Feeds

Happy Monday, BB fans!! Just a quick post tonight...

I haven't logged into my Live Feeds that much since BB13 ended last September, but I just took a peek at what's been going on and I totally missed watching Brenchel's Valentines Day Special that aired live a couple of weeks ago!! :(

During the show, Brendon & Rachel talked about doing Big Brother, then going on The Amazing Race shortly after, and how Brendon is now back in school to get his PHD.

Also, Brendon gave Rachel a new engagement ring. (The original ring he gave her was a $150 ring.) The new ring is a gorgeous antique ring:

They also talked about how there's no wedding date set yet, but talked about how they'd like to aim for this summer. In regards to having kids, Brendon said he wants to wait until after he gets his PHD.

Brenchel received a lot of phone-in's from fans, congratulating Rachel on her win and were very supportive of the two being engaged and on The Amazing Race. It was a fun show to watch! :)

If you'd like to watch it, just sign into Superpass and click on Videos. Best line of the show? When asked what they've been up to...

Brendon: "I've been working hard on getting my PHD."
Rachel: "I got new hair extensions!!" (laughing)

Gotta love'em! lol ;)

PS If you're not yet following me on Twitter, Click Here to start following! I post updates on there all the time! :D

Stay tuned...
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jeff & Jordan w/ Brendon & Rachel (pics)

Happy Sunday, y'all! Tonight at 8pm EST/7pm Central, The Amazing Race will be on..which means you'll get your fill of seeing more Brenchel. Love'em or hate'em, you know you like to watch'em. lol ;)

Also, Rachel tweeted that Brendon/Rachel and their "BFF's" Jeff/Jordan hung out the other night. (These were tweeted this past Friday, Feb. 24th.)

Nice to see those 4 hang out together outside of the BB house! Oh, and if you're looking for an update on Jeff & Jordan, shortly after BB13 ended, they announced that Jordan was moving to California to be with Jeff! :) The two have been super duper busy promoting/campaigning for and even went to Cambodia just a few weeks ago. Here's a couple of pics for you JeJo fans:

(Jeff's eating a Tarantula in this pic, hence the disguested look on Jordo's face. lol)

For more information on how you can help Build a City in Cambodia, visit

As far as casting for Big Brother 14 goes, casting director Robyn Kass tweeted that they're still working on the website for BB14 hopefuls to send in their audition videos online, which looks like it could be up by March 5th!!

That's it for now my lil addicts! More info to come in as I get it! ;)

Stay tuned...
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Big Brother 14 Casting

For those of you waiting for some info on how to possibly be one of the lucky 12 (or 13, or 14 lol) cast members for BB14, here's some of the latest casting info!

According to casting director Robyn Kass (via Twitter), casting will start early March and, get this, you will be able to submit your Big Brother audtion tape online!!! They are currently working on the website so that future BB cast members can simply just upload their auditions, instead of sending in a tape. (Who actually sends in tapes, anyways? lol) We live in a world of digital media and it seems that Robyn & Co. have jumped on the bandwagon.

Here's some of her tweets:

As always, I will bring you more info as I get it in! :D

Stay tuned...
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Update: Brenchel on TAR + More!!

Happy almost-March, BB addicts!! Can you believe it? We only have about 4 1/2 months until the premiere of Big Brother 14, but only about 3 months until we start getting tons of BB14 info come rolling in!! I can't wait!! :D

But while we anxiously await the return of Big Brother, let's see how Brendon & Rachel did on the Amazing Race this past Sunday.

If you haven't watched the episode yet, here it is...

**If you don't have time to watch the video and just wanna know how they did this week, then scroll down to "TAR Results" in this post. (I wanted to hide the results a little bit in case you wanna watch the video instead.)

Click to Watch Episode 1 of TAR:

In other news, Brenchel were on today in a video that showed them with fellow TAR cast member, Danny Horal, aka "The Solution". (The guy with the abs.) It took me a few moments to realize that was Brendon in the video! He's dressed up can I put this..nerdy?! Anyways, here's the video:

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And last but not least...

TAR Results: Brendon & Rachel placed 2nd this week! They were just a hair shy of placing 1st though. I think they'll do amazing (no pun intended!) on TAR. Can't wait to see how far they make it!

Okay BB lovahs, that is it for now! OH, wait..I lied..okay, so I announced on the facebook group the other day that I will be holding a contest BEFORE BB14 begins and the prizes are what you, the fans, asked for...FREE LIVE FEEDS!! But here's a tip...ya gotta be following me on Twitter to even have a chance to win. ;) Not following me yet? Here's the linky link: Follow Me on Twitter

Stay tuned...
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Reminder: Brenchel on The Amazing Race 20

Just a quick reminder that your favorite (or favorite to hate) reality tv couple, Brendon & Rachel, will be on The Amazing Race 20 starting THIS SUNDAY, February 19th!!

On your mark, get set, GOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Amazing Race will be on CBS at 8pm EST/7pm Central starting this Sunday night. I'm definitely tuning in! Are you??

PS Don't forget to follow me on Twitter for the latest news!

Stay tuned...
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